As with every edition, this year, during the AGRO SHOW exhibition, agricultural machinery shows at work will be held. For the second time, visitors of the exhibition will be able to watch the shows in comfortable conditions, watching them from the grandstands. In addition, a large screen will be placed on the show fields.
This year, the shows will be devoted to topics related to the green deal. Therefore, farmers will be able to see machines designed for mechanical weed control and machines for organic fertilization. The shows will be held in two parts at 11:00 and at 1:00 p.m.
This year’s new element will be shows of machines from the Docieracze profi program, which will be held every day of the exhibition at 12:00.
The partners of this year’s machine show are companies from the Orlen Group: ANWIL, ORLEN Paliwa, ORLEN OIL and Energa Obrót